40 Seater Ac Deluxe Tata Bus is launched by Tata Chassy & it is specialy designed by very famous bus body maker sheena & Setluej. It is a very good choice for large groups of 40 peoples or less. Tata Deluxe Coach - 40 Seater was released in 2001 And It Renew Every year. 40 Seater Deluxe Bus specifically designed for Large range groups and it is a Forty-seater deluxe coach with mid range price budget along with luxury same comfort like volvo and mercedes benz. 40 Seater Tata Deluxe Bus is ideal for local travel.
We, Car rental India offer 40 Seater Tata Ac Deluxe bus rental services in cities and for outstation visits. The van has plenty of space for luggage. We offer a variety of packages for India luxury bus tours . Contact us for discount offers.
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40 Seater Large Bus facilities / Amenities
Seating Capacity: 40 Passengers + 01 Driver + 01 Helper
Description & Features:
→ Fully AC
→ Pushback seats with seat belts for comfort and safety
→ High quality bodybuilding and interiors
→ Well maintained bus
→ Loaded with Music System and Mike
→ Well trained and experienced staff