Panipat About this sound pronunciation, is a historic city in Haryana, India. It is 90 km north of Delhi and 169 km south of Chandigarh on NH-1. The three battles fought near the city in 1526, 1556 and 1761 were all turning points in Indian history.
Most significant events that have laid immeasurable impact on this city are three battles of Panipat. Its tourism revolves around these three battles. Perhaps, it was also called as Dhramaksetra because Lord Krishna versed Bhagwat Gita first time here only.
These events and its rich history have boasted Panipat with numerous historical attractions and geographical scenic locations in its arena. Panipat was used as a battle field in chronological period and hence it is said that soil of Panipat is red due to blood bath that happened at this place. Standing on this soil makes everyone think about the warrior who fought for their region and their unbelievable sacrifices for country.