The Adinatha Temple, standing immediately to the north of the Parsvanath, is an important constituent of the Jain group of Khajuraho temples. It is a temple without ambulatory, of which only the sanctum and vestibule have survived with their roofs. Its ‘mandapa’ and entrance porch are lost and replaced by a modern entrance chamber, made of lime-plastered masonry, showing arched doorways, which is quite incongruous with the original structure
The temple is 'sapta-ratha' on plan as well as in elevation with mono-spired 'sikhara' of graceful outline. In the elegance of sculptural style as well as in general plan and design, this temple , dedicated to first Jain Tirthankara, Adinath, bears the closest kinship to the Vamana Temple.The smartness of her body and te restlessness of her feet, the vigorous, dynamic movement all have been so aptly carved out.
The figure is so attractive that one is reminded of the famous dancer Nilanjana in the court of Lord Adinath. Among these charming figures of Apsaras, the figures of Shashan devis, Yakshines and Vidyadevis at their appropriate places add much charm, meaning and symbolism. Of these Apsara figures, the one looking into the mirror and applying collyrium in the eyes and the other that of a mother kissing her child are remarkable for their exquisite finish and artistic merits. Nayikas, Kaminis, Bhaminis, the various categories of women are depicted in a very dignified and graceful manner and their workmanship is very good.