Benreu is a village situated in Peren Block of Peren district in Nagaland. Positioned in rural area of Peren district of Nagaland, it is one of the 38 villages of Peren Block of Peren district. As per the administration records, the village number of Benreu is 268299. The village has 180 homes.
Places like Kohima, Dimapur, Phek, Wokha and Mokokchung are very famous in Nagaland as tourist hotspots. Nagaland is a land full of flora and fauna. Intanki Wildlife Sanctuary and Fakim Wildlife Sanctuary are the finest examples of wildlife in Nagaland. They are very rich in flora and fauna. There are also mountains and valleys in Nagaland that facilitate trekking, rock climbing, camping and mountaineering. The Nagaland state museum, Sales emporium, Zoological park, Khonoma,