Popular as the 'ship of the desert' the camel is quite literally the star of Rajasthan. From deserts to villages, from safaris to festivals, they’re everywhere. Permitting the tourist to take a sneak into the simple village life, a Camel safari brings the visitors closer to the rustic desert scene. The camel safari takes tourists through the desert sand dunes that make way into the ancient havelis, old temples and abandoned palaces.
Rajasthani folk music clubbed with exquisite food, that’s what a Camel safari promises along with some other temptations. Tourists can also take part in a variety of cultural programs organized in the desert. While most people assume deserts to be devoid of liveliness, it’s on the Jaisalmer Desert Camel Safari that you discover the true beauty and charm of the sands.
Lonely roads scarce life, no vegetation where are we Amid deserts where the horizon meets you and only you remain. A camp in the lap of nature so barren yet so subtle.You have all the time in the world to spend on yourself Precious time which you yearned for A proper camel Safari in the Desert can only experience all these The thought finding oneself between the sea of sand is itself mesmerizing The hobbies of royalties of Rajasthan have come within the reach of the masses A large number of travel agents and tour operators in Rajasthan organize camel safaris Jeep safari is also worth taking in Jaisalmer if you are a fun loving and adventurous creature.Jeep safari is usually affordable and is generally done on 4X4 open Jeeps. These are powerful machines and are fit for long excursions such as Sam Sand Dunes and Phalodi. You can opt for the same in the Desert National Park too.