Sarnath is a famous place in Varanasi and it is the destination for cultures like Hindu, Buddha and Jain. Sarnath is the place where Gautama Buddha first taught the Dharma then Buddhist Sangha has originated as well as came into existence because of the enlightenment of Kondanna. It is situated atleast 13 Km to north-east of Varanasi. There is a village 1 km away from the Sarnath known as the Singhpur where Shreyansanath was born. He was known as the eleventh Tirthankara of Jainism. This is why the sarnath is also an important pilgrimage site for Jainism.
Sarnath, a holy place for Buddhist all over the world, is known for being the first place where Buddha delivered his lecture after attaining enlightenment. This place was one of the favorite places of lord Buddha. Sarnath is also known for the buildings and monuments constructed by Ashoka the great. Ashoka spread Budhism all over and Sarnath was specially focused upon by him. The Ashoka stambh and ruins of other monuments make Sarnath a place, worth visit.
Sarnath has been a major Buddist learning centre during its glorious days. Currently the city lies in peace, away from the hustle-bustle of cities. The place has also attained fame as the governments of Sri Lanka, Japan and other countries have paid a special attention here and are building some monuments and temples related to Budha.