Shirdi is a holy place where the revered saint Sai Baba lived and performed numerous miracles. The very name Shirdi symbolizes the power of faith in the almighty that resides in the hearts of human beings. The town of Shiridi is located in Rahata Tahasil in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra. The town also houses a temple dedicated to Sai Baba. The temple has a beautiful idol and the samadhi of Sai Baba, which is visited by devotees in great numbers. The temple was built by Shreemant Gopalrao who had unwavering faith in Sai Baba. Shiridi is an important pilgrimage center of the Hindus and is visited by tourists from across the world.
Located in front of the samadhi of Sai Baba are the two silver pillars, which are beautifully decorated with amazing designs. The life-sized idol of Sai Baba is carved out of Italian marble, which was enshrined inside the temple in 1954. There is an assembly hall in front of the temple that houses numerous articles, which were once used by Sai Baba. The beautiful pictures hung on the walls of the first floor of the temple depict the life of Baba.
The best time of the year to visit Shirdi is January through March. April to June is summer, followed by the monsoon. Pilgrim arrival peaks between September and November when many Hindu festivals occur. Baba's death anniversary is commemorated in the month of October, the exact date depending on the Hindu calendar.
Some of the most important festivals in Shirdi are Dussera, Guru Poornima and Baba's death anniversary. During this time lakhs of devotees come to Shirdi.