The Wagah border, often called the "Berlin wall of Asia", is a ceremonial border on the India–Pakistan Border where each evening there is a retreat ceremony called 'lowering of the flags', which has been held since 1959. At that time there is an energetic parade by the Border Security Force (B.S.F) of India and the Pakistan Rangers soldiers. It may appear slightly aggressive and even hostile to foreigners but in fact the parades are imitating the pride and anger of a Cockerel. Troops of each country put on a show in their uniforms with their colorful turbans. Border officials from the two countries sometimes walk over to the offices on the other side for day to day affairs. The happenings at this border post have been a barometer of the India-Pakistan relations over the years.
At a distance of 30 km from Amritsar Junction, Wagah Border is the only road border between India and Pakistan. The border lies on the Grand Trunk Road between the cities of Amritsar, India and Lahore, Pakistan. Also known as 'Berlin Wall of China', Wagah Border is the only open border which is officially accessible by both the nations and also one of the top places to visit in Amritsar.
The border has a huge arch named 'Swarn Jayanti Dwar', and gates of both the countries. Also known as Attari, Wagah is mainly known for its 'Beating Retreat Ceremony'. The Beating Retreat Ceremony was started in 1959 and it was agreed by the government of both the countries. It is a symbol of the rivalry between the two countries. The flag ceremony is conducted by the Indian Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers. Women guards of BSF have also been a part of this ceremony from July 2011. Almost 5,000 people visit the border to see the ceremony with great patriotism.