Sanchi Town is a Nagar panchayat in Raisen District of the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, it is located 46 km north east of Bhopal, and 10 km from Besnagar and Vidisha in the central part of the state of Madhya Pradesh. Known for its "Sanchi Stupas", it is the location of several Buddhist monuments dating from the 3rd century BC to the 12th CE and is one of the important places of Buddhist pilgrimage.
Sanchi travel takes one through the age of genesis and development of the Buddhist religion. With a vast expanse of Buddhist temples, chaityas, stupas and monasteries, the town reflects the proverbial Mauryan culture. Traveling to Sanchi will always be a lifetime experience for visitors who are planning to visit this place for the first time.
Sanchi is associated with the evolution and propagation of the Buddhist faith. This Buddhist pilgrimage site is located in the district of Raisen in Madhya Pradesh. It is located at a distance of 46 kilometers from the city of Bhopal. The cities of Indore and Vidisha are located at a distance of 232 and 10 kilometers respectively from Sanchi. An extensive network of roads connects Sanchi to Bhopal, Indore and Vidisha. The nearest airport is located in the city of Bhopal. Domestic flights to the cities of Delhi and Mumbai are available from Bhopal. The railway station at Sanchi falls along two important railway lines: Delhi-Chennai line and Delhi-Mumbai line.
A visit to the Stupas heads the itinerary list on a tour to Sanchi. The main Stupa was consecrated by the Mauryan king, Asoka during his reign. The Chunar sandstone pillar stands beside the Sanchi Stupa. The four gateways that stand beside the main Stupa were constructed in the 1st century by the rulers of the Satavahana dynasty. The path for circumambulation along Sanchi Stupa is enclosed by a railing, constructed in the latter half of the 2nd century during the reign of the Shungas. The Stupa is dedicated to Lord Buddha who is symbolically represented by wheels, footprints and thrones. The temples at Sanchi, built in the 5th and the 7th century, display exceptional architectural lavishness.
The best time to travel to Sanchi is during the months of November and December since the summer months are too hot in this part of Madhya Pradesh. Tourists planning to stay at Sanchi may book their rooms at Jehan Numa Palace Hotel, The Residency Hotel, Hotel Sambodhi International Sanchi or at Noor-us-Sabah hotel. All these Sanchi hotels offer excellent state-of-the-art facilities at extremely affordable prices. There are not many hotels in Sanchi and as a result many tourists stay at Bhopal which is quite close to Sanchi.
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