Jamwai Mata Temple

Khamma Ghani/ Namastey and Jai Jamwai to every one. Last week on my husband’s birthday we visited the holy place of kachawa dynasty, the Temple of Jamwai Mata situated at Jamwa Ramgarh. The place enchants every visitor in its beauty, so I thought why not share it with my readers.

To keep up the pace with me let me give you a brief on the history and cultural background of the goddess and the temple. Jaipur was a kingdom ruled by Shekhawat’s clan of Rajputana before independence. Shekhawat’s have their origin to Kachhawa which worships goddess Jamwai. The Temple was built by Rao Dulherao of Kachawa rajputs, previously the town was known as ‘Manch’, when Rao Dulherao conquered the area he renamed it Jamwa Ramgarh. Since then Jamwa Mata has been worshiped as family deity (Kuldevi) of Kachhawa clan namely Shekhawat’s, Rajawat’s, Nathawat’s, Naruka’s, Khangarot’s etc.

Now coming to my visit, we started early in the morning around 8AM and reached outskirts of Jaipur on NH11 C. Travelling on the road you will see the recently developed landscape on the sides of highway they look attractive but god knows they will survive the first summers or not. On continuing you will see a board pointing to right for Ramgarh Lake, when you take right and move few kilometres you will find yourself in the midst of nature’s beauty, and this one is sure to stay when you visit as it has seen a lot of summers.

As you reach near the temple area you will get a beautiful glimpse of the Ramgarh lake, though dry now but still has a beauty to it in terms of greenery and wild life (especially monkeys). Moving forward side by side with the downstream of Ramgarh lake you willfind the temple bound by a greenery of the area (do refer to my picture for getting the feel of beauty).

Although there is not much of a guidance needed to find the temple, still if you are stuck get help from the locals they are really helpful (I have also attached a google map for assistance). The temple is not much surrounded by commercial activities till now which makes it a good a spiritual excursion to the visitors.
